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Retrieving scores

If you want to get overview and breakdown scores of a specific client, you can use the following endpoint. It will include also results for specific scoring in Google as well. If you don't see that data you might need to trigger the report [again] to get the new data set.

content-type: application/json
x-api-token: xxxxxx

By using "&sort=id%20DESC&limit=1" at the end of the URL we make sure you get the most recent score data. Remember that if you just refreshed a client report, you might need to wait a couple of minutes to get a proper score or you might end up using an older score or a partial one that haven't finished.

Example response

  "status": 200,
  "success": true,
  "error": null,
  "data": [
      "client": 3780349,
      "partner": 37921,
      "admin": 43854,
      "batch": "5fc668e81c4852001fc05820",
      "id": 3102619,
      "directories": "",
      "data": {
        "baseline": {
          "overview": {
            "visibilityScore": 22,
            "gmbScore": 100,
            "yelpScore": 0,
            "bingScore": 56,
            "directoriesScore": 6
          "scoreBreakdown": {
            "local": {
              "score": 67,
              "listingsPresent": 2,
              "listingsChecked": 3,
              "napConsistency": 52
            "directories": {
              "score": 7,
              "listingsPresent": 3,
              "listingsChecked": 42,
              "napConsistency": 6
          "sources": {
            "google": {
              "scan": {
                "scores": {
                  "listingClaimed": 100,
                  "napConsistency": 100,
                  "reviews": 0,
                  "photos": 0,
                  "hours": 100,
                  "website": 0,
                  "googleScore": 72
        "fulfillment": [],
        "client_id": 3780349,
        "partner_id": 37921
      "score": 22,
      "version": "1.0.9",
      "countRequested": 45,
      "countCompleted": 45,
      "updatedAt": "2020-12-01T21:28:58.000Z",
      "createdAt": "2020-12-01T16:01:44.000Z",
      "isComplete": true
  "total": 1